100% UNIX web hosting (FreeBSD)
register domain or use existing domain
full shell account access
access via SSH, SFTP and FTP
access to all shell programs/compilers
1 background process
10GB data transfer (bandwidth)
1GB disk space quota
30 e-mail aliases/forwarders
3 POP3 e-mail accounts
remote webmail access
3 subdomains
cgi/perl/php/SSI/mySQL DB included
password-protected directories
daily web site statistics
free technical support
add Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal, Wiki*
Payment Options:

100% UNIX web hosting (FreeBSD)
register domain or use existing domain
full shell account access
access via SSH, SFTP and FTP
access to all shell programs/compilers
2 background processes
20GB data transfer (bandwidth)
2GB disk space quota
50 e-mail aliases/forwarders
25 POP3 e-mail accounts
remote webmail access
25 subdomains
cgi/perl/php/SSI/mySQL DB included
password-protected directories
daily web site statistics
free technical support
add Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal, Wiki*
Payment Options:

100% UNIX web hosting (FreeBSD)
register domain or use existing domain
full shell account access
access via SSH, SFTP and FTP
access to all shell programs/compilers
1 background process
15GB data transfer (bandwidth)
1.5GB disk space quota
40 e-mail aliases/forwarders
4 POP3 e-mail accounts
remote webmail access
4 subdomains
cgi/perl/php/SSI/mySQL DB included
password-protected directories
daily web site statistics
free technical support
add Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal, Wiki*
Payment Options:

100% UNIX web hosting (FreeBSD)
register domain or use existing domain
full shell account access
access via SSH, SFTP and FTP
access to all shell programs/compilers
2 background processes
25GB data transfer (bandwidth)
5GB disk space quota
unlimited e-mail aliases/forwarders
unlimited POP3 e-mail accounts
remote webmail access
unlimited subdomains
cgi/perl/php/SSI/mySQL DB included
password-protected directories
daily web site statistics
free technical support
add Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal, Wiki*
Payment Options: